S&S Cranes (Aust) Pty Ltd


About S&S Cranes (Aust) Pty Ltd

S&S Cranes (Aust) Pty Ltd has a policy of producing and supplying goods and services of an assured quality which will merit customer satisfaction throughout the effective life of the product.

To achieve this, S&S Cranes (Aust) Pty Ltd has established and will maintain quality assurance systems appropriate to the work being undertaken.

We aim to achieve this by:

  • Implementing and maintaining a documented quality management system in accordance with the Australian Standard.
  • Appropriate job skills training for all employees.
  • Objective measurement of work processes and customer satisfaction with our products and services.
  • Planned process improvements involving all employees.

This commitment to assured quality is practised throughout the company from the General Manager to individual operators. All staff will fulfil the requirements of the quality assurance system, ensuring the satisfaction of the customer and confidence that this commitment will inevitably result in continuity of work and minimisation of costs.